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Level E (with Eric LeMay)

Apr 29, 2019

Artists Philip Mack talks about his art, his process, and learning how to create a career out of being an artist.

Check out his stuff:

Instagram: drawnIIdraw
Facebook: Drawn to Draw

This was Eric's first time using a multidirectional microphone in a huge space. He thinks the sound quality is...

Apr 22, 2019

A frequent visitor on the early episodes of "Level E," first-time feature film director John Crye talks about the experience of making the movie "Chance" and the story itself.

CHANCE trailer on YouTube:

CHANCE on Facebook:

Apr 15, 2019

Eric and Pilar talk with his dad Norm LeMay about his approach to teaching junior high art in the in the 1970s and 1980s. There are some interesting things about technique, philosophy and education. If you're an artist or educator, this is a fun hour. (A few of the historical references are clunky by Eric, so...

Apr 8, 2019

Eric and Pilar talk to Jack Mueller about his early days in television and growing up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Apr 4, 2019

LeMay-Marymount docent and volunteer talks about his friend, industrial designer Brooks Stevens.

Consider this a bonus preview episode of a possible future Marymount podcast about art, design, cars, technology and culture.

It's done in the Marymount library, so there are echoes.